・Over view
UIScroller is a subview of UIWebView. UIWebDocumentView is a subview of UIScroller.
Unfortunately, these classes are private and undocumented. And we have to peek a touch event from this UIWebDocumentView. However, we can't use these classes via Apple SDK and find any information from documents with SDK.
You can't peek any click events to UIWebView because touchesXXXX:withEvent: method, private class UIWebDocumentview's method, can't be overrided.
Therefore, we peek touch event to UIWebDocumentView by replacing instance method with method-swizzling.
・method swizzling
Method swizzling enables to replace instance method with the other one very easily. You can do that with the methods in "objc/objc-runtime.h". Detail of method swizzling is illustrated here.

@implementation UIView (__TapHook)
- (void)__replacedTouchesBegan:(NSSet*)touches withEvent:(UIEvent*)event {
[self __replacedTouchesBegan:touches withEvent:event];
if( [self.superview.superview isMemberOfClass:[UICWebView class]] ) {
[(UICWebView*)self.superview.superview hookedTouchesBegan:touches withEvent:event];
+ (void)installHook {
Class klass = objc_getClass( "UIWebDocumentView" );
// replace touch began event
class_getInstanceMethod(klass, @selector(touchesBegan:withEvent:)),
class_getInstanceMethod(klass, @selector(__replacedTouchesBegan:withEvent:)) );

By this code, when an instance of UIWebDocumentView is called "touchesBegan:withEvent:", "__replacedTouchesBegan:withEvent:" is called instead of it.
And, when "__replacedTouchesBegan:withEvent:" called, "touchesBegan:withEvent:" is called.
Above, when UICWebView is clicked, "hookedTouchesBegan:withEvent" is called. You can do something on "hookedTouchesBegan:withEvent" when UIWebView clicked.
Thank you for helping me to write a nice code, @Psychs, @norio.