BEING HUMAN〜HCI2020を読んでる最中ですが
Miscrosoft Researchが研究者を集めて行ったHCI2020と題する議論の内容を本にまとめて,出版.さらにはネットでタダ見られるように公開した.太っ腹.
Tangible interfaces have also been developed, where everyday physical objects are embedded with computation, being able to sense and react to the ways they are picked up, manipulated, and moved in space. This approach has already found its way into a broad range of toys and game systems such as the Nintendo Wii. Camera and pressure input has also been developed that enables the movement of our whole body to control the computer, such as pressure pads in Dance Revolution and the use of video tracking in Sony’s Eye Toy games.
ってあるですが,そうかなぁ・・・・.Tangible bitsの石井裕先生は,そんなこと言ってないと私は考えていたのだが・・・.むしろWiiとかは実世界指向インタフェースに近いと思っているのだが・・・.Tangible bits,Tangible IFは,もっと抽象的というか・・・・.表現できない.もう一度,石井先生の論文を復習するとしよう.